Being involved in any type of accident can be scary. Whether it was a slip and fall at the grocery store or a crash with another vehicle. Getting stuck with expensive hospital and medical bills can take a huge toll on your finances. The last thing you need is to chase the insurance company around about your claim, just to get a settlement that doesn’t even cover your recovery expenses.

With over 20 million people injured in car accidents every year, plus the 1.5 deaths due to vehicle crashes, the cost of medical expenses and property damage have added up to a staggering trillion dollars in economic loss, the National Highway Traffic Safety Commission announced.

If you’ve been the victim of an accident, the thought of hiring an attorney can be overwhelming, but here are a few reasons why it is worth contacting contacting James P. Kelley.


Attorney James P. Kelley will personally guide you through the whole process, making sure you feel at ease. Those involved in an accident typically have questions, such as, who’s insurance company is responsible for the damages and medical bills? How will you know what doctor to go to for your injuries? What about your pain and suffering? What happens if you can’t go to work? We can answer all your questions and offer advice on how to proceed.

Insurance Claims

Dealing with insurance companies can be frustrating! Since Florida is a no fault state, which means, the insurance company of the injured person will provide coverage for lost income and medical expense. For more serious injuries you can be entitled to additional compensation. Attorney James P. Kelley has the experience and resources to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.


Exploring the evidence and details of your accident, will help determine who is at fault and maximize your recoveries.
While most car accident cases here in Orlando are settled out of court, you still need a skilled negotiator on your side.

As one of Orlando’s top personal injury attorneys, James P. Kelley is qualified and ready to handle your injury case. To reach the settlement or verdict you deserve, we dedicated to aggressively pursuing your case.

Contact attorney James P. Kelley. Our consultation is free and we don’t collect any fees until you recover compensation.