The expertise of Orlando attorney James P. Kelley embraces three main legal areas, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, and Insurance Disputes.

Attorney James P. Kelley personally attends to all the details of each and every case. He is your personal victims advocate. So, if you or a loved one have been involved in one of these legal matters, you can rest assured justice will be served by having an experienced attorney on your side.

If you slipped and fell in the grocery store, tripped over an unkempt sidewalk, or bitten by a dog in your neighborhood, you can count on the expertise of James P. Kelley.

He is also in your corner when an insurance company denies your claim or trying to pay you less than you deserve.

If you or a family member are a victim of a crime, violent encounter, medical mistake, injured in a vehicle accident, or suffered from a wrongful death, Attorney Kelley is committed to you.

Insurance Dispute

Whether they are from a medical situation, car accident, damage to your home from one of our afternoon thunderstorms, or personal injury, insurance claims can be very complex and tend to have a better outcome with the legal assistance of an attorney.

It is not unusual for insurance companies to limit or even deny a claim. Your insurance company may be acting in bad faith,

Treating you unfairly,
Failing to settle a claim,
Has denied a legitimate claim
The insurer won’t return calls
Has not paid insurance benefits that you are entitled to
Delaying or withholding a reasonable settlement

Orlando Attorney James P. Kelley will review the nature of your loss as well as the terms of the insurance policy to determine if you’re denied coverage actually constitutes bad faith by the insurer.

You can help your case by gathering evidence and documentation to support your case. It is also helpful to create a timeline.  Collect phone messages, emails, letters, copy of your policy and receipts of the premiums you have paid.

Contact James P. Kelley to schedule a free consultation and go over your case.