It happens fast, you’re driving down the road and a car comes out of know where and hits you! It’s a terrible feeling. The sound and shattered glass can be traumatic. You check on your passengers, kids, and those in the other vehicles involved for injuries.

Though you may not feel any significant injuries at the time, maybe just some aches and pains. But what if there is something more, maybe not broken bones or debilitating injuries that you can see, but nerve damage.

Nerve damage can vary in severity. Showing up days or even weeks after the accident. It can have lasting effects, hindering your ability to work, compromise your quality of life, and require ongoing medical attention.

What You Need To Know About Nerve Damage

The sudden movement of an auto accident can inflict pressure on the nerves in the spinal cord, neck, and back. The injuries can vary due to the impact of the crash and the unique effects on the person. Some of what could be experience includes:


During a car accident, especially if you are hit from behind, the sudden force jerks your head back and forth. Putting extra pressure on the nerves in your neck.

Blunt Force Trauma

Nerves in the neck, back, head, arms, or legs, can be damaged and compressed with the sudden force of hitting a hard surface.

Pinched Nerve

Also known as entrapment neuropathy, is when the nerves in the neck or spine becomes compressed by bone, cartilage, herniate spinal disk, muscles, or tendons.

Neck Strain or Sprain

The ligaments and tissue in the neck are susceptible to being torn and stretched during a crash.

Herniated Discs

Too much pressure on the spine can cause damage to the rubbery cushion or disk between each vertebra. Which can cause weakness, numbness, and pain in the neck, arm and legs.

Often times, nerve damage is not noticed right away, probably due to the adrenaline after a car accident. Days after the accident, you may experience, tingling, numbness, pain, weakness, twitching, headaches, muscle spasms, reduced motion, burning sensation, or sensitivity to being touched.

Nerve damage from an auto accident can be traumatizing and have lasting effects that can impact your life. They also may need lengthy medical treatments.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident here in the Orlando area, contact the experience attorney James P. Kelley. Our consultation is free and we don’t collect any fees until you recover compensation.